All providers wanting to be registered under NDIS must meet the NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators. The standards are written to give clarity, consistency and safety for NDIS participants. For providers, understanding the guidelines and creating internal policies that address all relevant aspects are vital for auditing, quality, safety and compliance purposes.

We can help with Core and Module 1 standards and policy writing in areas including:

The standards are open to interpretation, so having professional guidance and support to address them makes the process much easier. We can offer a complete suite of policies which can be customised for you or your organisation.

With our nursing experience, we have the clinical skills to guide non-clinicians in providing safe and effective care. Documenting these processes within policies and identifying (and addressing) gaps via internal audits helps providers prepare for the NDIS audit.

We work in all states, either face-to-face or virtual depending on the work and your preferences. Having an expert on hand can make the preparation and audit process efficient and successful. It also ensures that the care you and your staff provide not only meets the NDIS standard but offers participants the highest level of comfort and safety.

Kylie Hanley talks to Safeguard client

Book your free 15 minute consult to discuss how we can assist you.