Our training and support services can help providers meet their NDIS obligations. We specialise in high intensity supports, clinical governance, infection control and medication management, providing policies and procedures, complex care plan templates, staff training and competency assessments. We can work with you to help you understand your needs in relation to all things high intensity support. 

This includes:

We can offer training packages and customised training solutions for your organisation. Training can be offered face to face or virtually. 

Having the support of a highly experienced nurse working in the NDIS area means wecan help you identify any gaps and write training modules that meet your individual needs. It’s also a great way for your staff to ask questions and get advice from a nursing professional about how to deliver the best outcomes for participants. 

Consultation and Training Options

Free 15 Minute Consultation

A 15 minute video call to discuss how we can help you met your NDIS compliance or training needs.

  • Closing corrective actions
  • Audit preparation
  • Policy writing
  • Training in high intensity supports.

No Cost

Person cutting vegetables into small pieces

Mealtime Management and Dysphagia

A one hour online session with trainer/ NDIS auditor and registered nurse Kylie Hanley. 

Session outcomes:

  • Understanding of 2 of the new NDIS standards around mealtime management and dysphagia and why they have been developed
  • Understand the requirement for care workers in mealtime management and planning
  • Have a basic understanding of a balanced diet
  • Understand special dietary requirements
  • Learn basic food safety skills
  • Understand dysphagia and manage dysphagia during mealtimes
  • Understanding texture modified foods and fluids and aspiration
  • Manage choking and aspiration

Course materials and training certificate provided.

$40 per person

Catheter Management

A one hour session Via Zoom that covers the following:

  • Review and understand policies and procedures
  • Read and interpret an individualised participant complex support plan
  • Identify the body systems involved in catheter management and when catheters may be used
  • Understand the principles of infection control when managing catheters
  • Trouble shooting common problems with catheters
  • Catheter complications/risk management
  • Documenting catheter care

Course materials and training certificate provided.

$40 per person

Nurse applying bandage to elderly patient

Wound and Pressure Area Care

A one hour session via Zoom covering the following:

  • Review and understand policies and procedures
  • Read and interpret an individualised participant complex support plan
  • Basic understanding of skin anatomy
  • Knowledge of common skin integrity risks
  • Common indications of infection and required response
  • Implications of prolonged worsening of infection
  • Positioning for pressure injury prevention
  • Wound management during daily support activities
  • Documenting wound care

Course materials and training certificate provided.

$40 per person

diabetes management NDIS

Diabetes Management

A one hour session Via Zoom that covers the following:

  • Develop understanding of the types of Diabetes and their treatments
  • How to recognise signs and symptoms of hypo/hyperglycaemia
  • Understand blood glucose monitoring
  • Understand the medications used to treat Diabetes
  • Develop knowledge of Diabetes complications

Course materials and training certificate provided

$40 per person

Subcutaneous injection training with Diabetes (insulin) medications and competency assessments can be arranged. Please arrange a 15 minute consultation to discuss.

epilepsy management

Epilepsy Management

A one hour session Via Zoom that covers the following:

  • Understand Epilepsy
  • Understand the types of seizures that can occur
  • Care for a participant post seizure
  • Understand what constitutes an Epileptic emergency
  • Develop a basic understanding of the medications used in Epilepsy
  • Review the link between mental health and Epilepsy
  • Epilepsy Care plans

Course materials and training certificate provided

$40 per person